Our Parish Mission Statement speaks of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 where Jesus tells us: “Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” A parish is a community of believers and a spiritual family that is supportive and loving. It can be a place to grow spiritually, to put your faith in action, and to use our gifts of time and talent as disciples of Christ.
Thank you for your interest in our parish. Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, are returning to the practice of your Catholic faith, or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we’re happy to have you here! We look forward to getting to know you and accompanying you on your faith journey. Below are links to some areas of our website which may be useful for anyone who is new to our community.
I'd like to register as a new parishioner
For additional assistance, please contact:
Gloria Hardy, Parish Office Manager
The Founding of St. Monica Parish
Father John A. Walsh was our founding pastor and within a few short months he channeled the enthusiasm of our initial 380 families into a building program. Countless individuals contributed to the building fund and made special donations and memorials. By June 1959, property that had been purchased in 1950 by Archbishop Connolly was cleared and contracts signed to erect a church, a ten-room school and a ten-room convent at the cost of $516,063. The Parish increased by nearly 100 families in 1960 and the first Mass was celebrated in the new church on June 26, 1960.
In addition to tending to the congregation’s spiritual needs, St. Monica was a parish that grew through prayer and socialization. Many will remember the first parish activities. First, the choir was formed. How many recall singing Christmas carols on Jean Bourdeau’s festooned boat while cruising around the island? The Bentlers, Rambaldinis, and Weigands began a square dance club, which, after three years, became St. Monica’s Social Club. The first parish dinner, held in 1966, was to be a break-even event, but it raised $1,800. From that year forward, the dinner was a moneymaker event and it laid the foundation for today’s auction.
In February 1977, Father Walsh was reassigned as Pastor of St. Thomas Church in Riverton. He left behind memories of laughter and his favorite Irish Blessing. Sadly, less than five months later he died. As Walter Parietti wrote in a memorial dedication “His spirituality was such that it inspired us all to be close to God."
西雅圖天主教華人團體 - Seattle Chinese Catholic Community (SCCC)
The Seattle Chinese Catholic Community (SCCC) is a Catholic faith community serving mainly the Chinese community in Western Washington. The SCCC was established in 1982 under the Our Lady of Mount Virgin Parish of Archdiocese of Seattle. Saint Monica is now the permanent parish of the SCCC. Members of the Chinese community are registered as St. Monica parishioners and participate in the parish life and mission.
Seattle Chinese Catholic Community Website:
Sunday Chinese Mass: 1:00PM (Homily alternates between Mandarin and Cantonese.)
Sunday Chinese Confessions: 12:30PM-12:50PM
Chinese New Year Celebrations Highlights
“We were truly blessed to have so many of you celebrate Chinese New Year with us on January 29. From help with reservations, to flower arrangements and livestream, we felt welcomed by everyone. With more than 150 attendees, I dare say it was a success. We were delighted to have a chance to share our culture and food with you, as well as chats and laughter. Thank you again for joining us. We would love to live out our mission and grow our community. Please help us by inviting your Chinese-speaking friends to our 1 PM Mass and other activities.” -Marise Chan, SCCC President
Monthly Chinese Family Rosary Meeting
Come join our monthly Chinese rosary zoom meeting hosted by the Seattle Chinese Catholic Community on the 4th Saturday of each month from 1:30pm to 2:30pm. We will recite the rosary in Mandarin and Cantonese. Please email us at or leave a message at 206-458‐1430 to get the zoom meeting information.
歡迎大家參加由西雅圖天主教華人團體舉辦的網上家庭玫瑰經聚會。聚會時間為每月第四個星期六下午1:30至2:30。有興趣參加的,請email 或致電206-458‐1430索取Zoom聚會資料。
The St. Monica parish community is very proud of our St. Monica Catholic School family. Visit the school website to learn about the benefits of Catholic Classical Liberal Arts Education!
For more information, please contact:
Jamie North, Advancements Director
206-232-5432 x.174;
Coffee & Donuts (Sundays at 10AM, 12PM, & 2PM)
Following the 9AM and 11AM Sunday Masses and the 1PM Chinese Sunday Mass, parishioners are invited to gather for food and fellowship. This time is an opportunity to connect with other members of our community as we journey together towards Christ. Parishioner volunteers set-up, facilitate, and clean-up at each Coffee & Donuts hour. Involvement in this ministry cultivates an environment where our faith can grow in relationship with each other.
If you feel called to help in this ministry, please contact:
Gloria Hardy, Parish Office Manager
206-232-2900 or
Please remember in your prayers at Mass and at home this week all those who need prayers, and especially those community and family members listed here: Jamie Amstutz, Connor Cole, Karen Fielder, Paula Gaston, Galen F. Hubert, George Ojemann, Teresa Olejniczak, Dolores Shanks, Fred Weiss, Lavina Zelonka, Carv Zwingle
This list is specifically for the names of those in our community who have a need for immediate prayers, due to a recent life development or situation. To have yourself or a family member included in our community prayer list, please fill out the form below or contact the parish office. In order to keep this list of intentions current, names will be included for up to a few months and then removed. (Individuals can be re-added to the list upon request.)
Upcoming Mass Intentions
Our morning Masses are offered on behalf of parishioner intentions. Intentions for the upcoming week can be found on our Eucharist Page.
Thank you for submitting your intention. A parish staff member will review your for inclusion in our community prayer list and reach out to you with any questions. God bless.
The parish calendar, displayed below, shows our upcoming parish events. If you have any questions about information listed in this calendar, please contact:
Tony Brooks, PA for Communication, 206-232-2900 x.131;
Mass Intentions: Click here for the schedule of upcoming Mass intentions.
School Calendar: Click here for the Saint Monica Catholic School calendar.
March 2025
9am Mass
10am Coffee & Donuts
11am Mass
12pm Coffee & Donuts
12:30pm Confessions (Chinese)
1pm Mass (Chinese)
Show all
7:15am Confessions
8:30am Mass
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am Legion of Mary
8:15am Rosary
10:30am Friends of the Needy Cooking
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
8:30am Rosary Makers
9am Morning Bible Study
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am WWP Bible Study
8:15am Rosary
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
6pm Adoration & Confessions
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
3:30pm Confessions
5pm Vigil Mass
Show all
9am Mass
10am Coffee & Donuts
11am Mass
12pm Coffee & Donuts
12:30pm Confessions (Chinese)
1pm Mass (Chinese)
Show all
7:15am Confessions
8:30am Mass
6:30pm Knights of Columbus Meeting
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am Legion of Mary
8:15am Rosary
10:30am Friends of the Needy Cooking
Show all
7:15am Confessions
8:30am Mass
8:30am Rosary Makers
9am CANCELLED: Morning Bible Study
9:30am Rosary
12pm Distribution of Ashes Service
7pm Mass
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am WWP Bible Study
8:15am Rosary
8:45am School adoration
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
6pm Adoration & Confessions
6pm Lenten Soup Supper
7pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
3:30pm Confessions
5pm Vigil Mass
Show all
9am Mass
10am Coffee & Donuts
11am Mass
12pm Coffee & Donuts
12pm VBS Volunteer Meeting
12:30pm Confessions (Chinese)
1pm Mass (Chinese)
Show all
7:15am Confessions
8:30am Mass
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am Legion of Mary
8:15am Rosary
10:30am Friends of the Needy Cooking
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
8:30am Rosary Makers
9am Morning Bible Study
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am WWP Bible Study
8:15am Rosary
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
6pm Adoration & Confessions
6pm Lenten Soup Supper
7pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
10:30am Lenten Reconciliation
3:30pm Confessions
5pm Vigil Mass
Show all
9am Mass
10am Coffee & Donuts
11am Mass
12pm Coffee & Donuts
12:30pm Confessions (Chinese)
1pm Mass (Chinese)
Show all
7:15am Confessions
8:30am Mass
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am Legion of Mary
8:15am Rosary
10:30am Friends of the Needy Cooking
6pm Evening Bible Study Meeting
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
8:30am Rosary Makers
9am Morning Bible Study
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am WWP Bible Study
8:15am Rosary
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
6pm Adoration & Confessions
6pm Lenten Soup Supper
7pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
3:30pm Confessions
5pm Vigil Mass
Show all
9am Mass
10am Coffee & Donuts
11am Mass
12pm Coffee & Donuts
12pm VBS Volunteer Meeting
12:30pm Confessions (Chinese)
1pm Mass (Chinese)
Show all
7:15am Confessions
8:30am Mass
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am Legion of Mary
8:15am Rosary
10:30am Friends of the Needy Cooking
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
8:30am Rosary Makers
9am Morning Bible Study
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am WWP Bible Study
8:15am Rosary
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
6pm Adoration & Confessions
6pm Lenten Soup Supper
7pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
3:30pm Confessions
5pm Vigil Mass
Show all
9am Mass
10am Coffee & Donuts
11am Mass
12pm Coffee & Donuts
12:30pm Confessions (Chinese)
1pm Mass (Chinese)
Show all
7:15am Confessions
8:30am Mass
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am Legion of Mary
8:15am Rosary
10:30am Friends of the Needy Cooking
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
8:30am Rosary Makers
9am Morning Bible Study Group
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8am WWP Bible Study
8:15am Rosary
8:45am School adoration
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
6pm Adoration & Confessions
6pm Lenten Soup Supper
7pm Stations of the Cross
Show all
7:15am Confessions
7:45am Mass
8:15am Rosary
3:30pm Confessions
5pm Vigil Mass
Show all