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Upcoming Events and Opportunities

This page lists upcoming events taking place in the St. Monica Church Community and around the Archdiocese of Seattle. For information on additional Catholics events, retreats, and programs in the greater Seattle area, we recommend checking out the Archdiocese of Seattle event webpage ( and the Catholic event page on the Sacred Heart Radio website ( Towards the bottom of this page, we've listed some of our parish's weekly and monthly groups and events. Click here to jump to the recurring events section.

Italian Dinner Tickets!

The Knights of Columbus Italian Dinner will be held on March 1. Following Masses, Knights will be at church exits selling tickets. Tickets will also be available for sale at the parish office. See the section below about donating auction/raffle items.

Northwest Catholic Magazine

The latest issue of Northwest Catholic Magazine is available to read online. Visit to read this and past issues of the digital magazine.

Pilgrims of Hope

On Sunday, December 29, in union with bishops throughout the world, Archbishop Etienne opened our local observance of the Jubilee Year 2025.

The 2025 Jubilee Year was established by Pope Francis, calling the faithful to become Pilgrims of Hope. We will hear more about the Jubilee throughout the year, but we encourage you to check out the Seattle Archdiocese Jubilee webpage ( to learn more about the Jubilee and the ways which you can earn a Jubilee Year Indulgence.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Retreat

Let us be thankful for our spouse. Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience on: Feb 14-16, 2025, in Tacoma. For more information about WWME, please visit For questions, or to find out more about a Virtual Encounter Experience, feel free to contact: Jeff and Sandy Corneil 360-930-2321.

Divorce & Beyond Group

Gift yourself the experience of healing from divorce. St. Louise Parish is thrilled to be offering “Divorce & Beyond”. Whether you have been divorced for a long time or just recently divorced, you deserve to experience peace and joy again! This is an excellent 10 week Christian based program of healing and recovery from divorce. Meetings are Mondays, 6:30-8PM at St Louise, starting February 17. The cost is $15 and scholarships are available. If you’d like more information or would like to sign up, contact Dave Gehrig at 425-214-5466

Theology on Tap

Catholic young adults are invited on Friday, February 28, for Theology on Tap, a special event at St. James Cathedral.

Mass will begin at 7PM. After Mass, we’ll dive into the theme of the Jubilee Year—a time of grace, renewal, and indulgence.

Fr. Justin Ryan will guide us through the rich history and significance of the Jubilee in the Church and reflect on how we can experience and live the Jubilee today, embracing healing, mercy, and spiritual growth. We’ll also have the opportunity to walk by the doors at one of our designated Jubilee sites to participate in the Jubilee indulgence.

Snacks and beverages will be provided as we connect and reflect together. Don’t miss this opportunity to renew your faith and walk in the grace of the Jubilee! Register for this event by visiting For more information on young adult opportunities in the Archdiocese of Seattle, please visit

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat

If you are suffering from the experience of an abortion, you do not need to walk alone. Project Rachel offers a compassionate and confidential environment for those who suffer the effects of an abortion. Find hope and healing after abortion. The next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held on February 28–March 2, 2025.

For more information about the Project Rachel ministry or our healing retreats, please call Frances at (206) 920-6413 or for Spanish call Alejandra at (206) 450-7814.

Italian Dinner Raffle/Auction Items Request For Donations

Calling all St. Monica Parishioners we are in need of Raffle or Auction Items for our upcoming Italian Dinner on March 1st, 2025. This is our big fundraiser event of the year and has provided funds to Seminarians, 3W, Next Step, Coats for Kids, Veteran organization's, and more. Some ideas to consider for donation include, electronics (new laptop computers, watches, gaming consoles, etc.), vacation rentals or time shares, unique experiences (fishing trips, dinners, etc.), religions items (new paintings, crosses, books, etc.), restaurant gift certificates, wine or food baskets, sports fan packages. If you have any questions or items to donate, please contact Greg Bannick at (206) 979-6073 or Reed Nagel at

Save the Date! — Knights of Columbus Italian Dinner

The annual Knights of Columbus Italian Dinner will be held on Saturday, March 1. The Italian Dinner is the Knights of Columbus major fund raiser of the year. Save the date for a great time and support a great organization!

Ignatian Women’s Silent Retreat

We’ve been asked to share this information about an upcoming Retreat on March 28-30 in Seabeck, WA: The Priests and Brothers of Miles Christi are offering silent retreats in your area! These retreats are a unique experience offering spiritual talks, time for private meditation, the Holy Rosary, daily Mass, Adoration and Benediction, as well as opportunities for Confession and spiritual direction. Space is limited so register today to secure your spot! For the full information and registration, please call 858-768-0872, email or visit

Vacation Bible School Returns This Summer!

This Summer's Vacation Bible School (VBS) camp theme is Egypt — Joseph's Journey from Prison to Palace. Registration for VBS participants will open in March, but right now we are looking to recruit volunteers (both youth and adults) to help put on this great program! VBS will be held at St. Monica Catholic Church on June 23-27. Learn how YOU can help this year with VBS! You can volunteer to help by clicking here.

Weekly and Monthly Recurring Events

This section lists some of our parish community groups and activities which meet every week (schedules are subject to change).

Feeling too ill for Mass?

The general obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is excused for those who are ill or are homebound. If you are unable to attend Mass for valid reason, we encourage you to make use of our Mass Livestream which can be accessed at

Sunday Coffee & Donuts

Stop by the Parish Family Center after Sunday Masses (9AM, 11AM, & 1PM) for an hour of coffee, donuts, and fellowship with other parishioners. Parishioner volunteers set-up, facilitate, and clean-up at each Coffee & Donuts hour. Involvement in this ministry cultivates an environment where our faith can grow in relationship with each other. If you would like to help in this ministry please contact the parish office.

Knights of Columbus Meetings

Knights of Columbus want to invite all men of the Parish to join them at their Council meetings held on the first Monday of every month. The meetings are held at 6:30PM in the Parish Office dining room (accessed via the front office entrance). For more information, please call Grand Knight Tim Leahy at 425-753-1387 or email

A life of faith in action, a life of boldness in brotherhood, a life worth living.

Legion of Mary Meetings

The Legion of Mary group meets every Tuesday morning after the 7:45AM Mass in the St. Augustine Room. Legion of Mary is a world-wide movement of lay people, who propose making Faith the goal of their life in an effort to achieve personal sanctity. The virtue of Holiness in the life of the members of the Legion is promoted under the influence of Mary and the Holy Spirit. This becomes the source of inspiration for Legion work, which is under the direction of our Pastor, Fr. Nagel. He has asked the Legion to take Holy Communion to the homebound, providing the Real Presence of Jesus to them. For more information, please contact: Julee Neyer

Cooking for the Homeless

Every Tuesday, volunteers of the Friends of the Needy ministry meet at St. Monica’s kitchen at 10:30AM to cook a four-course hot dinner for later delivery. Want to volunteer? Come for an hour or the afternoon, every Tuesday or as often as you like. Experience the joyful camaraderie in the kitchen from preparing the ingredients to washing the dishes. For more information, please contact:

Karen Zimmer (Head Cook) 253-273-6704

Rosary Makers

Rosary Makers is a wonderful group of people who get together every week on Wednesdays in the St. Augustine Room to make Rosaries for the Catholic missions. All are welcome to come and make rosaries or gather the materials to work at home. 

For more information, please contact:

Joyce Kaifer (Parishioner) 425-644-2518

Bringing Holy Communion to the Homebound

Every Wednesday morning immediately after the 7:45AM Mass, members of the Legion of Mary bring the Communion to homebound parishioners who are unable to attend Mass in person. If you or a loved one are physically unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Communion, please contact the parish office to receive more information on this ministry. 

Walking with Purpose

Calling all Women 18 and over! Women’s Group Bible Study - Walking with Purpose starts Thursday, September 26th at 8:30AM. Come on the first day and see if it’s for you! Sign up if you know it’s for you!

Join us as we grab our coffee, get real, lean into our relationships with Christ and transform our hearts…together!

Our Bible study combines personal study with small group discussion, linking everyday challenges to the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. If you desire to grow in your faith - in a supportive community of Catholic women - this group is for you! So much more than a Bible study! Our program runs weekly, September 26th - May 29th. Thursdays, 8:30-10:30am in the Family Center.

Click here to register. Questions? Contact Niki Baklinski 206-940-6453,

Friday Evening Adoration 

Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions are offered in the church, Fridays from 6PM-7PM! End your work week and start off your weekend right by spending some time in the church adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!

Monthly Chinese Family Rosary Meeting

Come join our monthly Chinese rosary zoom meeting hosted by the Seattle Chinese Catholic Community on the 4th Saturday of each month from 1:30pm to 2:30pm. We will recite the rosary in Mandarin and Cantonese. Please email us at or leave a message at 206-458‐1430 to get the zoom meeting information.

歡迎大家參加由西雅圖天主教華人團體舉辦的網上家庭玫瑰經聚會。聚會時間為每月第四個星期六下午1:30至2:30。有興趣參加的,請email 或致電206-458‐1430索取Zoom聚會資料。

Friends of the Needy Drivers Needed

Is there anyone who would not help their brother or sister? Christ has said, “the less fortunate are our bothers and sisters”. We are in need of 5 more drivers to help feed the 12 different shelter and food banks that we now deliver food to from our most generous donor Metropolitan Market!

If you could spare just 2 or 3 hours once a month that would fulfill our obligation to feed the hungry. If you volunteer you can choose the day of the month that you would drive each month. Please give this some thought and if you would like to just discuss the opportunity, please call me, Bob Kessler, at (206) 276-0515 or email Thank you!

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